I lost the game to stone, SCISSORS, paper!!

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I lost the game to stone, SCISSORS, paper!!I lost the game to stone, SCISSORS, paper!!I lost the game to stone, SCISSORS, paper!!I lost the game to stone, SCISSORS, paper!!I lost the game to stone, SCISSORS, paper!!I lost the game to stone, SCISSORS, paper!!I lost the game to stone, SCISSORS, paper!!I lost the game to stone, SCISSORS, paper!!I lost the game to stone, SCISSORS, paper!!I lost the game to stone, SCISSORS, paper!!I lost the game to stone, SCISSORS, paper!!I lost the game to stone, SCISSORS, paper!!I lost the game to stone, SCISSORS, paper!!I lost the game to stone, SCISSORS, paper!!I lost the game to stone, SCISSORS, paper!!I lost the game to stone, SCISSORS, paper!!
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